top rated Wedding Photographers in Kenosha, Wisconsin

We have manually picked the best Wedding Photographers in the Kenosha, Wisconsin area by checking their online client reviews for the best star ratings, and by reading customer testimonials to verify reliability and customer satisfaction. We selected these local businesses based on their expertise and excellence to help you find the right business to meet your needs

1. Reviews

These companies show a proven record of customer satisfaction.

2. REliability

Excellent client testimonials showing a company you can trust.

2. Expertise

Qualified experts with the experience to be successful.

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Bella-Hill Wedding House

  1405 16th St, Racine, WI 53403

Bella-Hill Wedding House is a wedding photography studio located in Racine, Wi. The business has been highly rated on the Knot owing to their impressive wedding photography to hundreds of couples in Racine and the surrounding areas such as Kenosha. They offer the services of a professional hair stylist and makeup artist on the wedding day. The entire team at Bell-Hill Wedding House comprises of a filmmaker and creative director, two photographers, a filmmaker, a creative admin, the beauticians and a social media director.

Light Source Photography

  Kenosha, Wi

Light Source Photography is located in Kenosha Wisconsin. The company has specialized in Wedding photos to capture interesting moments. The company was founded by sisters Xoxo, Cathleen, and Karin. Light Source has specialized in taking photos around Madison, Milwaukee, Chicago, Lake Geneva and the surrounding areas. The sisters offer engagement and wedding day. Photo sessions can be booked online. The photography is recognized as one of the most professional companies in Madison and surrounding areas.

Daniel Labelle Photography

  Kenosha, WI

Daniel Labelle Photography rates as one of the best photographers in Kenosha Wisconsin. The photographer specializes on editorial, fine art, portrait and wedding photography. Editorial photography means that the photographer seeks out un-posed moments that capture a depth of heart. Fine art, on the other hand, means that the photographer captures those moments in the most beautiful way possible with the mindset of an artist painting a canvas.

Optic Light Photography

  Kenosha, Wi

Optic Light Photography is located in Kenosha Wisconsin. The photography was founded by Kevin Mathewson. The photographer has been passionate about photography since he was 10 years. The photography offers different packages of photos coverage. Optic Light photography extends its services to the cities around Kenosha Wisconsin. The company has a wide portfolio in the range of Weddings, Engagements, Families, seniors, Babies, and Real Estate. Optic Light has been recognized for its wide skills in photography.

Shannon Z Photography

  Kenosha, Wi

Shannon Z Photography is located in Kenosha Wisconsin. The photography specializes on travel and destination wedding photography. Their clients are found in various places within Kenosha WI, for instance, Circa on 7th in Kenosha, WI, The club at Strawberry Creek in Kenosha, WI, Dekoven center in Racine, WI, Murray Mansion Racine, WI, Rustic Manor in Hartland, WI and many more. According to all these clients, Shannon Z Photography is not only an excellent photographer but also an excellent planner and organizer.

S.R. Photography

  Kenosha, WI

Steve and Tori Rodriguez are the founders of S.R. Photography. They are based in Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois areas. S.R Photography majors in lifestyle Photography which is known for portraying real-life emotions and actions in a natural setting. They also have portable studio set up for newborn photography. S.R Photography love shoot using natural light but if the weather is not favorable for instance during rainy or snowy seasons they have locations that they use which help them to produce a very nice and unique images.

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