top rated Tattoo Artists in Pharr, Texas

We have manually picked the best Tattoo Artists in the Pharr, Texas area by checking their online client reviews for the best star ratings, and by reading customer testimonials to verify reliability and customer satisfaction. We selected these local businesses based on their expertise and excellence to help you find the right business to meet your needs

1. Reviews

These companies show a proven record of customer satisfaction.

2. REliability

Excellent client testimonials showing a company you can trust.

2. Expertise

Qualified experts with the experience to be successful.

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Buena Suerte Tattoo

  2030 N Cage Blvd A, Pharr, TX 78577, USA

Buerna Suerte Tattoo is has some of the best tattoo artists in Pharr Texas. The studio offers both tattooing and piercing services. This Pharr tattoo shop is highly regarded with more than 200 reviews on Facebook alone averaging at 4.8! The tattoo artists are skilled in a wide range of tattoo styles such as black, colored, lettering among others. The artists are known to listen keenly to the body art desires of their clients and producing even greater artwork or piercings.

Get Inked Tattoo

  6101 S Cage Blvd #108, Pharr, TX 78577, USA

Get inked is an affordable tattoo shop in Pharr Texas. Some of their services include tattoos in a variety of styles such as cover-ups, custom art, portraits, greywash, calligraphy, color blends and scripts. The tattoos are affordably priced at $25 for a start. The pricing is done in terms of how big (in inches) the tattoo is and whether one needs color tattoos which are more expensive. Adam, the main tattoo artist has been tattooing since 2005. He has worked in several tattoo shops and currently owns the studio with his wife who is also a body art specialist. Adam is Blood Borne Pathogens (BBP) certified in addition to having a medical background.

Hell Fire Studio

  114 N 10th St, McAllen, TX 78501, USA

Hell Fire Studio Tattoo and Piercing is a leading tattoo shop in McAllen Texas. The body artists mainly offer piercings on the spot for walk-in clients but encourage those in need of tattoos to schedule. The encourage clients to visit the shop to book appointments with about $50 which is also included in the price. The artists take BBP courses to ensure they offer safe piercings and tattoo services. They require all clients to produce identification for verification of age. The artists offer quality piercing and tattoo aftercare education. They also maintain a safe drug free environment.

House of Tattoos

  319 S 17th St, McAllen, TX 78503, USA

House of Tattoos is a leading tattoo and piercing shop in McAllen Texas. Its artists are skilled in a wide variety of tattoos styles. Their services are conveniently priced. The studio is properly maintained to ensure sterility with the artist being keen on safety precautions. Chano, one of the studio’s artists is skilled in helping clients choose unique custom tattoos that match personalities. Clients describe Chano as patient, diligent and attentive to details to produce quality custom body art.

Powers Xtrym Ink Tattoos & Piercing Studio

  1122 N 10th St E, McAllen, TX 78501, USA

Powers Xtrym Ink Tattoos & Piercing Studio is a McAllen Texas tattoo and piercing studio. The studio is state licensed as a tattoo shop. Besides tattoos and piercings, the artists also offer scalp micropigmentation, permanent cosmetics and henna. Dr. Powers, the main tattoo artist is friendly and highly skilled in her work. She observes high standards of hygiene by observing all standard precautions. She also offers excellent tattoo and piercing after care tips.

Valley Ink Tattoo Studio

  514 N Cage Blvd, Pharr, TX 78577, USA

The team of body artists at Valley Ink Tattoo Studio are some of the best in Pharr Texas. The studio was started in 2009. Milo and Chaps offer tattoos and piercing while Hugo specializes in tattoos. They have a specialist who comes on appointment but the studio welcomes walk-ins. The artists offer custom designs, color, cover-ups, black and grey, UV inks, implants and dermals. Additionally, the shop sells a wide range of services and tattoo supplies.

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