top rated Life Coaches in Louisville, Kentucky

We have manually picked the best Life Coaches in the Louisville, Kentucky area by checking their online client reviews for the best star ratings, and by reading customer testimonials to verify reliability and customer satisfaction. We selected these local businesses based on their expertise and excellence to help you find the right business to meet your needs

1. Reviews

These companies show a proven record of customer satisfaction.

2. REliability

Excellent client testimonials showing a company you can trust.

2. Expertise

Qualified experts with the experience to be successful.

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Coaching Louisville KY

  804 Stone Creek Pkwy #7, Louisville, KY 40223

Coaching Louisville KY is a firm dedicated to helping residents of Louisville plan their lives and achieve their dreams. Clients are taken through programs in assertiveness, professional advancement, effective communication, compulsive binge eating, self-esteem, financial improvement, life transitions and relationship building. The firm’s founder, Marilyn Marrett is a professionally certified life coach dedicated to see notable improvements in the life each client who comes her way.

Excavive Coaching & Consulting

  Louisville, Kentucky

Excavive Coaching & Consulting aims at helping people live an “amazingly authentic life”. They offers leadership training, creative and entrepreneurial training, life coaching and interactive workshops to business owners, parents, students and senior citizens. Jennifer Blair, the company’s founder has published an eGuide titled ““Be Who You Are: Six Ways To Excavate Yourself” which her company offers freely to clients who send their emails through a secure online form. Jennifer’s favorite topics include authenticity, overcoming fear and limitations, love and relationships, life balancing and well being, passion and aliveness. Excavive has been featured in Dailyworth and MindBodyGreen.

HQ: Happiness Headquarters

  616 Lynn St, Louisville, KY 40217

This Louisville-based company offers life coaches to individuals, couples and organizations. The team comprises of professional motivators skilled in offering positive psychology services, strength assessments. The team provides secure, comfortable, fun and respectful environment for all their mini retreats every Friday, the couples’s classes and even in one-on-one sessions. One of the coaches, Rob- a former clinical social worker and psychotherapist has established what he calls “Rob’s School of What’s Happening Now’ to help focus on the issues at hand for each client.

John Shealy

  535 Forum Ave, Louisville, KY 40214

John Shealy is a licensed psychologist who has more than 25 years in helping people overcome personal challenges and achieve their full potential. Dr. Shealy provides psychotherapy, life coaching and mindfulness training. His approach centers on addressing depression, anxiety, fears, unhealthy lifestyle habits, low motivation and lack of direction. Overall Shealy aims to help each client discover their path to a balanced, healthy, meaningful and productive life. He also partners with life coaches from all over the world through internet conferencing for the benefit of his clients. His website has numerous free life coaching guides.

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Steere Family Therapy

  8013 Brownsboro Rd, Louisville, KY 40241

Steere Family Therapy is a life coaching and wellness center located in Louisville. The company offers couple’s Therapy, life coaching, family and group therapy, business and corporate coaching. Tevis Steere is a professional family therapist and a licensed clinical social worker who has been practicing for more than 20 years. Steere’s practice provides a secure, informed, respectful and confidential environment to promote total healing of the spirit, mind, heart and body. Clients can obtain a consent form from the company’s website.

The Innerview

  4229 Bardstown Rd #311, Louisville, KY 40218

The Innerview is a professional personal development company located in Louisville. The company combines clinical, financial, spiritual and systemic values to improve lives. Its services are organized into addition help, marriage counseling, family counseling and life coaching. In regard to life coaching, the company helps clients overcome struggles, set goals and achieve them, discover their potential and strengthen their social relationships.

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