top rated Preschools in Chicago, Illinois

We have manually picked the best Preschools in the Chicago, Illinois area by checking their online client reviews for the best star ratings, and by reading customer testimonials to verify reliability and customer satisfaction. We selected these local businesses based on their expertise and excellence to help you find the right business to meet your needs

1. Reviews

These companies show a proven record of customer satisfaction.

2. REliability

Excellent client testimonials showing a company you can trust.

2. Expertise

Qualified experts with the experience to be successful.

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Bubble Academy

  2184 N Elston Ave, Chicago, IL 60614

Bubbles Academy based in Chicago, Illinois is a child enrichment and activity facility that offers preschool services as well as classes and other events. The preschool has highly qualified early childhood educators who are compassionate about handling the kids. They create a positive environment that promotes the development of children. The institution offers a comprehensive curriculum that entails circle time, music and movement, small group literacy and numeracy, snacks and story time, end of day closing circle time, drama and yoga, open play, visual art, and learning centers. They also accommodate other special events like member play groups, birthday parties, and bubble egg hunts.

Creative Scholars Preschool

  1735 N Elston Ave, Chicago, IL 60642

Creative Scholars Preschool based in Chicago was started in 2009. They offer a healthy learning environment for kids from fifteen months to five years of age. They have a team of highly qualified teachers who have an experience of decades of collective teaching in early childhood education. They have different organized classrooms for children of different stages to equip them for first grade. Various courses such as science, multiple arts, literacy, and math are taught in this institution.

For Your Child Preschool

  2411 N Marshfield Ave, Chicago, IL 60614

For your Child Preschooloffers a child-centered, teacher guided curriculum in Chicago, Illinois. Children are enrolled as from six weeks to five years of age. They have a highly qualified staff of teachers that obtain continuous education throughout the year. The preschool serves lunches that are fully nutritious and organic. Their curriculum entails story time, activities that enhance gross motor skills development, music and arts, math, free play, science, circle time, outdoor exploration, and literacy.

Lakefront Children’s Academy

  400 E Randolph St # 6, Chicago, IL 60601

Lakefront Children’s Academy was founded in 1967 in Chicago. It is considered as one of the top hundred child care centers in the United States. Most of their pre-k and kindergarten students are admitted into gifted and private schools. They have a mission of promoting positive attitude towards learning and developing positive social skills. Lakefront Children’s Academy offers various programs and activities such as science programs, private piano lessons, sign language classes, summer camps, physical education, Spanish classes, and reading development.

Little Marvels

  3045 N Lincoln Ave, Chicago, IL 60657

Little Marvels is a daycare and preschool facility in Chicago. They provide children with the first school experience. Their hope is to impart in them a strong foundation to begin their educational career, and a love of learning. The institution’s programs are engaging socially, physically, emotionally, and intellectually. They offer various courses such as music and the arts, nutritional eating, foreign languages, outdoor experiences, and physical fitness activities. Little Marvels also offer other services such as developmental delay screenings, self-directed learning, and exploration of the learning environment.

Twinkling Stars Preschool

  2044 W Belmont Ave, Chicago, IL 60618

Twinkling Stars Preschool is based in Chicago, Illinois. They are devoted to creating programs that are focused on the learning experience, and development of each child. Their role is to enable children feel safe and secure, appreciate cultural diversity, become more engaged and active, and develop self-confidence and independence. They have a rotating curriculum that varies once a month. Twinkling Star Preschool highlights enrichment programs like outdoor play time that promotes a healthy lifestyle and fosters social activity, and foreign languages and arts.

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