top rated Piano Lesson Teachers in Honolulu, Hawaii

We have manually picked the best Piano Lesson Teachers in the Honolulu, Hawaii area by checking their online client reviews for the best star ratings, and by reading customer testimonials to verify reliability and customer satisfaction. We selected these local businesses based on their expertise and excellence to help you find the right business to meet your needs

1. Reviews

These companies show a proven record of customer satisfaction.

2. REliability

Excellent client testimonials showing a company you can trust.

2. Expertise

Qualified experts with the experience to be successful.

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Akiko Sanai Piano Studio

  1641 Palolo Ave, Honolulu, HI 96816

Akiko Sanai Piano Studio, located in Honolulu has been offering piano lessons to people of all ages since 2004. Its founder, Akiko began playing piano when he was aged 6 and studied the instrument privately under former UH Professor Paul Lyddon and later under Professor Clemens Zeilinger at the University of Music Vienna. Akiko teaches from two studios within Honolulu that are equipped with state-of-the-art grand pianos. She encourages students to take part in competitions and recitals. Additionally, she is a member of the Honolulu Piano Teachers Association.

Blees Piano

  94-505 Kealakaa St, Mililani, HI 96789

Blees Piano is a piano lessons studio located in Mililani. It is owned by Willem Blees who has more than 38 years of experience as a piano and music teacher. The facility offers extensive piano training including conditioning, piano maintenance, tuning and advanced lessons. Blees has attended more than 55 seminars on piano lessons and is wholesomely adept in the piano. The instructors under Blees have more than 35 years of experience in the instrument and can handle learners of all ages. Willem serves on the board of the Piano Technicians Guild Foundation and is a Registered Piano Technician.

Joyce Shih Piano Studio

  7541 Puu Mahoe PlHonolulu, HI 96825

Joyce Shih Piano Studio was founded by Joyce Shih who has been a piano teacher since 1964. The studio is located in Honolulu where Joyce teaches clients of all ages using top-quality instruments. Joyce is a member of the Hawaii Music Teachers Association, the American College of Musicians and the Honolulu Piano Teachers Association. She can offer lessons in Taiwanese, Mandarin and English.

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SoKnow Studio


SoKnow Studio is a language and music studio located in Honolulu. The facility uses creativity, technology and a range of traditional instruments to encourage piano learning and make the process fun. Besides training on the piano, the studio’s instructors also teach on other instruments such as the ukulele, guitar, drums, violin and woodwinds while musicians also learn vocals. The facility also offers Japanese language lessons to children. Kaori Beniek, the owner began playing the piano when he was aged 3 and has trained people in many parts of the world. She is a member of the Music Teachers National Association and the Honolulu Piano Teachers Association.

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The Hawaii Pianist

  949 McCully Street, Room 8 Honolulu, Hawaii 96826

The Hawaii Pianist is a piano based training center located in Honolulu that offers lessons in Piano and musical performances. Brian Iwai, the founder is a native Hawaiian and played the role of soloist with the Honolulu Symphony Orchestra. He was trained at the Juilliard School and has been a piano teacher since 1971. Iwai ensures he customizes training to suit individual learning pace and goals.

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Val’s Music Corner

  425 Ena Road, Honolulu, HI 96815

Val’s Music Corner is an instruments and vocals training facility located in Honolulu. Val Smith, the owner is an experienced piano teacher and her students appreciate her approach which is centered on helping each student learn maximally at their own pace. She began playing a variety of instruments among them keyboards and congas when she was 19. Vals specializes in teaching children and has a specific program for them called “Music for Little Mozarts” which perfectly suits children aged 4 and 5 years.

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