top rated Veterinarians in Mesa, Arizona

We have manually picked the best Veterinarians in the Mesa, Arizona area by checking their online client reviews for the best star ratings, and by reading customer testimonials to verify reliability and customer satisfaction. We selected these local businesses based on their expertise and excellence to help you find the right business to meet your needs

1. Reviews

These companies show a proven record of customer satisfaction.

2. REliability

Excellent client testimonials showing a company you can trust.

2. Expertise

Qualified experts with the experience to be successful.

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Comet veterinary Hospital

  2824 N Power Rd # 106, Mesa, AZ 85215

Comet Veterinary Hospital was started in 1998 and is located in Mesa. It specializes in cats and dogs for the following services; vaccinations, intestinal, X-rays, surgery, exploratory, dentistry, declaw, medical workups, lump removals and laboratory services. The professionals working at the hospital are skilled, courteous and passionate about healthy pets. They work with pet owners to promote responsible pet ownership, offer pet education and dwell on maintenance of good health.

Dobson Ranch Animal Hospital & Grooming

  2917 S Dobson Rd, Mesa, AZ 85202

This Mesa-based veterinary facility offers a huge range of services for cats, dogs, birds, and exotic pets. The business is part of a group of more than 20 animal hospitals led by the vision of providing the best comprehensive care to all pets. Its veterinarians are skilled in emergency care, surgical care, orthopedics, grooming, euthanasia, dental care, acupuncture and overall pet wellness. They offer discounts to first responders, military and senior citizens while their payment plans are convenient and interest-free. They offer free vaccines for life.

East Mesa Animal Hospital

  430 S Gilbert Rd, Mesa, AZ 85204

East Mesa Animal Hospital is a full-service veterinary facility located in Mesa that has been in operation since 1976. Dr. Virginia Kern, the owner grew up on a family farm and ranch and holds a doctorate in Veterinary medicine. Some of the services at her clinic include diagnostic and therapeutic services, pharmacy, radiology, laboratory, dentistry, behavioral counseling, dietary counseling, permanent identification, anesthesia and many more. The facility organizes for pet adoption at a small fee or for free depending on the age of each pet. They prefer to have clients book for appointments although they welcome emergency cases.

Family Vetcare

  1901 E Southern Ave #1, Mesa, AZ 85204

Family Vetcare operated three full-service veterinary hospitals in Mesa, Chandler and Phoenix. The hospital was started in 1982 by a team of licensed and skilled veterinarians committed to offering the best possible care for pets in Mesa and the surrounding areas. There is a team of 11 licensed vet doctors to attend to all health concerns among pets. Their services include dental care, ACL repair, ultrasonography and surgeries among others.

Mesa Northeast Animal Hospital

  1927 N Gilbert Rd #2, Mesa, AZ 85203

Mesa Northeast Animal Hospital offers a wide range of veterinary services to dogs, cats and a number of other rarer pets such as reptiles, ferrets, and small mammals. Over its existence for more than 30 years, the facility has gained reputation and high rating for offering high-quality services at very affordable prices. The hospital is run by three qualified veterinarians with more than 200 years of combined experience. Their main focus is to promote preventive medicine and wellness for pets. They combine Eastern and Western Medicine to achieve to give each pet comprehensive healthcare.

Red Mountain Animal Hospital

  6025 E McKellips Rd #104, Mesa, AZ 85215

Red Mountain Animal Hospital is a leading veterinary center located in Mesa. The hospital was founded in 1994 and has gained many clients owing to its quality and affordable services. Some of its services include pain management, vaccinations, cancer treatment and chemotherapy, dental care, laboratory services euthanasia and cremation. Dr, Michael Kleban, the founder has been a vet since 1986. Chickens, two cats, Border Collie and several Koi form part of his family.

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