
10 Natural Remedies for Asthma


Asthma is a disease that affects millions of people in the Unites States. Unfortunately, asthma cases are on the rise; there are 2.5 million more people affected than there were five years ago. Asthma is a condition that makes it difficult to breathe, due to the constricting or tightening of the lungs. People with asthma have triggers that start an asthma attack. Different people have different triggers, and a lot of it depends on whether you have allergic asthma or non allergic asthma. People with allergic asthma will be triggered by things like dust, pollen, pet dander, or anything that can cause an allergic reaction. In people with non allergic asthma, things like exercising, cold air, and extreme emotions. Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for asthma. However, the good news is there are a number of things you can do naturally to help alleviate and sometimes prevent the symptoms for asthma.

Breathing Techniques

Some people may find a great deal of relief by changing their breathing patterns. Breathing shallowly can raise the level of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream. Doing this can help dilate the airway muscles due to the increased carbon dioxide. In studies, patients with asthma have noticed a positive change in their breathing, however there has never been a study big enough to confirm whether or not this technique is truly successful. It is important to speak with your doctor before trying any techniques like this.

Air Purifier

Because of the link between asthma and allergies, having an air purifier in your home is a great idea for any allergy sufferers. An air filter will help greatly reduce and possibly even eliminate dander, dust, and other allergens. This can lead to a significant decrease in asthma symptoms, and even those without asthma may notice they can breathe more easily with an air filter in their home!


Just like almost everything involving health, the food you put into your body can make a difference in your asthma symptoms. As you might guess, eating your fruits and veggies can lead to a reduction in asthma flare ups. A study that was conducted on nearly 70,000 women showed that eating carrots, leafy veggies, and tomatoes may reduce your risk of asthma. It is also believed that eating a large amount of apples can help reduce the occurrence of asthma, and children who have fruit and vegetables on a daily basis are less likely to develop asthma.

Steamy Shower

During an asthma attack, many people can find a great deal of relief by standing in a steamy room. Going into the bathroom and turning on the hot shower can make the perfect environment for someone dealing with an asthma attack.

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This one is a bit surprising, but it is believed that drinking a cup of strong, black coffee can help open up the airway, which leads to the alleviation of asthma symptoms. Adding things like milk and cream are not recommended, as they can increase the production of phlegm and make it more difficult to breathe. The stronger the coffee is, the better your chances are of noticing a change in your breathing. Remember that coffee does contain large amounts of caffeine, so please take that into consideration before giving it to a child.

Hot Water

This is another one in which extreme caution should be exercised when trying to alleviate symptoms in a child. However, you may have tremendous luck with drinking a glass of hot water. This can help open up the airways significantly which can lead to easier breathing. Be careful not to burn yourself, but make it as hot as you can handle.

Keep a Clean House

The reason having an air filter in your house is to reduce indoor allergens as much as possible, however keeping a clean house is important for reducing asthma symptoms as well. Things like dusting regularly, washing bedding weekly, and keeping air filters cleaned are just some of the ways you can help keep your house clear of allergens. Another thing you can do is use a dehumidifier to keep the humidity in your home low.  This can help make breathing easier as well as discourage things like mold from growing in your home.


Honey can help relieve symptoms during an asthma attack, and can also prevent an asthma attack from happening in the first place. The alcohol and oils naturally present in honey can help asthma sufferers, and even inhaling the scent of honey can help alleviate symptoms. Alternatively, you can take a spoonful of honey daily, or stir it in a cup of water if you prefer it that way. Remember to never give honey to infants under a year old, as their bodies are unable to process it.


During an asthma attack, the Vitamin C in lemons can help lesson symptoms. People suffering from asthma attacks typically are low on Vitamin C, so getting some in the system quickly can help. You can make a glass of lemonade by squeezing a lemon into water and adding sugar. If you aren’t a fan of lemons, things like strawberries, blueberries, oranges, or papaya. These all contain Vitamin C as well as antioxidants that will help fight off asthma symptoms.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids can help prevent and reduce the occurrence of asthma flare ups. It helps by improving the lungs reaction to irritants and triggers. It’s best to get your omega-3 fatty acids from a fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, or cod. If you can’t handle the taste or texture of fish, then you can try a supplement instead. While it probably won’t give you the same level of relief as fish would, it will likely still help you to a certain extent.

As you can see, there are many ways you can help reduce or prevent asthma attacks, and all of these are things that can be done in your own home. It’s important to get to an emergency room or call an ambulance if the person is truly struggling to breathe, but these home remedies can be very helpful in milder situations. Even if you feel that your asthma is well controlled by using these natural remedies, please stay in contact with your doctor and keep him or her updated on your symptoms.

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Article was provided by an anonymous author.

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