
Eat Up: How Oysters Benefit Your Health


You have probably already heard that eating seafood is good for your health. However, you have also probably heard that some sea-faring selections are better than others. When it comes to oysters, have no doubt: They are great additions to your diet, and not just because of the vitamins they pack in every bite. Oysters offer a range of benefits, from your heart to your skin to yes, even your sex life.

Basic Goodness

At their very core, oysters have the basic components of a healthy food: low in fat and calories, high in protein. They only contain about 50 mg of cholesterol (well within the daily recommendation of less than 300 mg a day). When it comes to protein, a serving of oysters packs about 14 grams, which may not sound like a lot, but it is high-quality protein. That means it is easier to digest and absorb than protein found in meats such as chicken or beef.

Boosting Immunity

Want to be healthier? Order oysters next time you are at your favorite seafood restaurant. They are rich in zinc, which is crucial to maintaining a good immune system. In fact, many people take zinc when they are fighting colds because it can actually reduce the duration of the illness. Zinc also:

  • Fights off infection
  • Helps heal wounds
  • Can treat diaper rash

Studies have shown that zinc can help reduce symptoms associated with attention deficit disorder (ADD), acne and many other conditions.

Your Bedroom

Many oyster lovers are familiar with the saying that the shelled seafood is a natural aphrodisiac, but do you know why? It is because of that zinc again. According to the Institute for Natural Healing, zinc plays an important role in the reproductive role of men, as the deficiencies of the mineral can actually reduce sperm count. There are a few studies that show oysters – which contain more zinc than any other food – can actually increase your sexual desire. However, it is typically just the power of suggestion that actually leads to increased romance.

Your Vision

As if we haven’t talked about zinc enough, let’s discuss how it helps your vision. The retina of your eye has a component known as the macula. Scientists have discovered that the macula has high levels of the mineral, which allows vitamin A to create melanin. Melanin actually protects your eyes. What’s more, there are some studies that show that zinc can actually help you see better at night.

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Feeling Beautiful

Oysters boast a wide gamut of vitamins and minerals, literally from A to zinc. That zinc actually helps your skin create collagen, which keeps your face looking youthful. Collagen promotes elasticity and cell regeneration, providing structural support and reducing the look of sagging skin. Zinc also helps to strengthen your fingernails and even keeps your scalp and your hair in great condition.

Getting Energized

Oysters contain many B vitamins and are especially high in vitamin B-12, also known as cobalamin. According to Healthy Eating, just one serving of oysters has 362 percent of the B-12 you should get on a daily basis. B vitamins are well-known for the boost they can give you, as they are responsible for helping your body turn carbohydrates into energy.

Your Garden

Do you grow your own vegetables? Or even have a flower bed? Save your oyster shells, crush them and sprinkle them into the soil. Why? Because they are rich in calcium, which helps your plants grow healthier and stronger. Calcium also balances the pH level of your soil.

Ideas for Eating Them

There is no shortage of ways you can prepare oysters, and many people prefer to slurp them down raw. If you prefer them cooked, you can always trust your favorite chef to do the work for you or you can try these ideas at home:

  • Grill them: You can shuck them and toss them on the grill or even leave them cup-side up
  • Steam them: Throw them in a steamer, and you can even add beer or wine to boost the flavor
  • Bake them: Place the half-shells in a pan or stuff them with vegetables and spices

Zinc is one of the biggest reasons oysters are so good for you, and other vitamins offer a lot of other health benefits as well. Your skin, your vision and even your energy levels benefit when you order a plate of oysters or choose to cook them yourself. From your head to your toes, oysters work hard to improve your health, your appearance and even your garden.

Lauren Hill writes for Anderson’s Neck, a Chesapeake Bay oyster company founded in 1662 and passionate about conserving the bay in their harvesting practices.

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