top rated Preschools in Cincinnati, Ohio

We have manually picked the best Preschools in the Cincinnati, Ohio area by checking their online client reviews for the best star ratings, and by reading customer testimonials to verify reliability and customer satisfaction. We selected these local businesses based on their expertise and excellence to help you find the right business to meet your needs

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These companies show a proven record of customer satisfaction.

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Excellent client testimonials showing a company you can trust.

2. Expertise

Qualified experts with the experience to be successful.

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Bella Bee Academy

  6886 Salem Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45230

This preschool attends children of two to five years ages in Anderson Township, Cincinnati. The academy also offers Pre-Kindergarten Curriculum. Its main goal is to ensure that every child is equipped with the latest early childhood education trends in a fun, loving, and safe environment. The children are involved in social, creative, and academic activities. The learners are taught vocabulary and letter recognition skills as well as developing healthy relationships and friendships. Bella Bee has enrichment programs that include soccer shots, monkey bus for exercise and health, music, and Spanish.

Greenhills Cooperative Preschool

  21 Cromwell Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45218

This preschool was established in 1955 in Cincinnati community. It is sustained and managed by parents whose children school there since it is a nonprofit institution. Parents are given different roles in the preschool such as cleaning classrooms, classroom helpers, field trips participation, committee serving, selection in the governing board, and being involved in fundraising to help reduce tuition cost per child. Greenhills cooperative have degree holder teachers in the field of early childhood education.

Jelly Bean Junction Learning Center

  533 Clough Pike, Cincinnati, OH 45244

This preschool runs eight different locations in Columbus and Cincinnati. It also has various programs for toddlers, summer camps, infants, and school age kids. The teachers are committed to nurturing, teaching and encouraging children. They also apply their skills to enable learners to observe and discover their environment for ideal development. For creative curriculum, teachers combine the Developmental Continuum and Ohio Early Content Learning Standards. In 2012, the institution was chosen as best child care facility in the Cincinnati Family Magazine in the best of parenting awards.

Sharon Hill Preschool

  1275 Kemper Meadow Dr, Cincinnati, OH 45240

Sharon Hill is a preschool in Cincinnati. It has qualified teachers who are committed to providing a caring environment for kids to grow and learn through weekly lesson plans according to Ohio’s Early Content Learning Standards and Infant and Toddler Guidelines. They have programs for two weeks old to five years old children and the parents can access the school’s details online through their website. The learners get physical, social, emotional, and cognitive stimulation. The institution also provides healthy snacks and meals from the school garden.

The Village Preschool

  6137 Salem Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45230

This institution is located in Cincinnati and provides preschool services. It has dedicated teachers who use teacher directed cognitive learning and independent activities to enable learners develop language, mathematical, perceptual, and scientific skills. Other social skills introduced include science, dramatic play, literature, and music. The preschool is licensed by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services that is renewed yearly after the classrooms are observed and site inspected. Parents are entrusted with roles in voluntary Board of Trustees and Parents Association.

CUMC Preschool

  3820 Westwood Northern Blvd, Cheviot, OH 45211

This Institution in Cincinnati offers preschool services. It has three to five years children who are empowered and supported to advance social, cognitive, physical, creative and emotional skills. The school is a cooperative program where parents can volunteer to be the Board of Directors and aid in the classroom as a parent helper. CUMC is certified by the Ohio Department of Health and Human Services. Parents who are concerned can book an appointment to visit the school.

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