top rated Life Coaches in Charlotte, North Carolina

We have manually picked the best Life Coaches in the Charlotte, North Carolina area by checking their online client reviews for the best star ratings, and by reading customer testimonials to verify reliability and customer satisfaction. We selected these local businesses based on their expertise and excellence to help you find the right business to meet your needs

1. Reviews

These companies show a proven record of customer satisfaction.

2. REliability

Excellent client testimonials showing a company you can trust.

2. Expertise

Qualified experts with the experience to be successful.

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Center of the Healing Arts

  335 N Caswell Rd, Charlotte, NC 28204

Center of the Healing Arts offers help to people struggling with relationships, life obstacles and challenges, personal goals, life transitions, and business projects in Charlotte. The center has life coaching professionals who help people to choose a course of action and work through their goals. A comprehensive variety of health and wellness services are also provided like Healing Arts signature therapy, hypnotherapy, medical acupuncture, osteopathic treatment, yoga therapy, prolotherapy, and Reiki.

Empowering Solutions Group

  1977 JN Pease Place Suite 204 Charlotte, NC 28262

Empowering Solutions Group is a life coach center that provides professional assessment and guidance for families and individuals in Charlotte, Harrisburg, Newell, Huntersville, and Concord. Customized programs are offered for people who are suffering from career challenges, anxiety, loss of a loved one, low confidence, or any other business or personal issues. The Life Strategists in Empowering Solutions Group helps the client to make choices that bring about a more balanced, fulfilling, and effective life.They offer special techniques and guidance to those suffering from restlessness and anxiety.

L.J. Allen Coaching and Consulting

  South Charlotte Charlotte, North Carolina 28226

Lisa J. Allen is a Dominance Influence Steadiness Conscientiousness (DISC) Consultant, Certified Speaker, and Board Certified Life Coach that assists women to achieve their dreams and realize their passions. She provides customized workshops for churches, organizations, and families, as well as speaking services and professional consulting. Lisa is praised by her clients for her positivity and grace, and they are thankful for the insight and encouragement that she offers them.

Marcellus Life Coaching

  Charlotte, NC

Adrienne Marcellus is a Certified Life Coach and a Masters Level Clinician who provides professional coaching services for people throughout the United States. She has been working with individuals and families in life issues for more than a decade and has accumulated many years of clinical expertise with mental health and substance abuse. Adrienne’s clients speak highly of her personal and professional qualities, and they are grateful for her concern and passion.

Rodgers Christian Counseling

  6412 Bannington Rd, Charlotte, NC 28226

Rodgers Christian Counseling provides professional life coaching for families, individuals, children and couples in Charlotte. The center helps people who are struggling with life issues, spiritual matters, and relationship troubles. People speak highly of the comfortable and warm atmosphere and its reputation for compassionate and effective therapy. Beverly and Tom Rodger have been working as Christian Counselors for over three decades and are both holders of PHDs in Clinical Christian Counseling. Beverly and Tom have appeared on numerous recognized TV shows such as Focus on the Family and A Time for Hope. They have also featured on the BBC and NPR. Their Soul Healing Model is practiced in over 25 states and six countries.

The Integrative Healing Center

  6201 Fairview Rd, Charlotte, NC 28210

Karen Pierce is a counselor and psychotherapist who offers coaching the residents of the Greater area of Charlotte. She provides career counseling, spiritual direction services, Christian counseling, and individual therapy. Karen is certified if family mediation, the Enneagram Model of Transformation, and the Internal Family Systems model of psychotherapy. She has a clinical experience of more than 15 years. Pierce’s clients speak very highly of her professionalism and passion.

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