top rated PR Firms in San Diego, California

We have manually picked the best PR Firms in the San Diego, California area by checking their online client reviews for the best star ratings, and by reading customer testimonials to verify reliability and customer satisfaction. We selected these local businesses based on their expertise and excellence to help you find the right business to meet your needs

1. Reviews

These companies show a proven record of customer satisfaction.

2. REliability

Excellent client testimonials showing a company you can trust.

2. Expertise

Qualified experts with the experience to be successful.

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BAM Communications

  702 Ash St #100, San Diego, CA 92101

Bam Communications is a PR firm based in Sa Diego that was started in 2008. The self-proclaimed “public relations superheroes” represents brands such as Blink, Independa, Learn Capitol, Fresh Healthy Vending and NPR among others. Their services include public relations, strategic planning, media relations, expert positioning, media contributing and marketing integration. Beck Bamberger, the firm’s founder has previously worked as a news anchor and won an Emmy for her TV work had her food tour company rated as the best Food tour company in San Diego.

Conrad Public Relations

  San Diego, CA

Conrad Public Relations was started in 2004 and is based in San Diego. Amy Conrad, the founder has had extensive experience working in the marketing, media and public relations industries with significant years spent as the director of public relations at the Museum of Photographic Arts- Colorado Visitor Center and ABC News in Washington. All the employees have a background in media and are highly skilled in PR and marketing. Some of the firm’s services include public relations programs, website construction, graphic design, event and email marketing, online marketing campaigns, advertising, e-commerce consultation and writing, social media management. Conrad Public Relations has over the years proven reliable in helping clients achieve and even exceed their expectations.

Focuscom Inc. Public Relations

  101 W Broadway # 1450, San Diego, CA 92101

Focuscom Inc. is a San Diego-based PR firm that was founded in 2006 by Dan Hom- a PR expert. Dan has more than 20 years in community involvement and he started the company with the aim of aiding his clients achieve higher and sustainable profitability. Some of the firm’s services include public relations programs, media training, community development, media relations, government relations, strategic planning, language translations, crisis communication and collateral development. Dan has over the years helped raise millions of dollars for organizations such as San Diego Asian Film Foundation, The Risen project and the Asian Business Association. His company now handles PR for many private firms leading it to be named as the “Small Business Spotlight” in 2012 by the Asian Business Association of San Diego.

Katz & Associates

  5440 Morehouse Dr #1000, San Diego, CA 92121

Katz & Associates was started in 1986 and is based in San Diego. The company has other offices in San Francisco and Los Angeles, California. The company has worked with various entities in the private and public sector. They are specialists in community relations and strategic communications through crisis management, behavior change, community outreach and public participation. Over the last 30 years, the company presents case studies of its work in various industries; water, environment, energy, transportation, community planning, military and the private industry.

Mynt Public Relations

  1061 Tourmaline St, # A San Diego, California, CA 92109

Mynt Public Relations is located in San Diego with offices in several parts of the US and as far as Washington DC. Ronnie Manning, the founder has more than 15 years of experience in the PR industry. Some of the firm’s services include public relations, blog management, award management, content creation, executive media training, strategic messaging, industry analyst relation as well as domestic and international media relations.

Olive PR Solutions: Public Relations Firm in San Diego

  401 West A St. #1430 San Diego, California, CA 92101

Olive PR Solutions is located in San Diego and operates as a boutique PR agency. The company offers top tier media coverage with special attention to give brands significant and strategic attention. Other services include management of corporate social responsibility, media relations and social media. Some of the firm’s past clients include Little Italy Association, Bigsley Event, Free to Breathe, Milton’s Craft Bakers and Redwood Media Group among others.

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